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Lake Forest Blinds & Shades
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Roman Shades

Roman Shades

Dress Your Window The Elegant Way

Roman Shades

Roman | Lake Forest Blinds & Shades, LA

These are some of the most ornate and classy shades out there, and their popularity has only been increasing over time. Roman shades fold up into a stack of overlapping panels or pleats when raised, but extend into a sheer sheet or more partially stacked folds when lowered.

Colors and Materials

Just like our other products, these custom-made Roman shades are available in wool, velvet and synthetic fiber, as well as in non-cloth options like bamboo. Typically, darker colors such as rich navy blue, red, and purple are preferred, but some Roman shades can be found in anything from light cream to eye-catching scarlet. Feel free to look through our sample photos to get an idea of what you can do with Roman shades.

Increasing the Intricacy

Roman shades draw most of their aesthetic appeal from the relative complexity of the folded pleats they form when opened. Some styles retain part of that overlapping fold or taut lining even when closed, which creates an interesting-looking surface when the shades are down. By embellishing the fringe with details such as rows of curves or spikes, tassels or long tails, a Roman shade can have a creative touch to it, while also letting in some dappled sunlight.

Better Light Protection

If you opt for a style of Roman shades that remains rippled even while closed, you’ll be getting more complete protection against the sunlight. The overlapping folds or pleats of the material provide double the light blocking as a sheer sheet of the same substance. Additionally, some Roman shades have a built-in panel backing that adds even greater opacity along with more visually distinct ridges. These window treatments will keep the room very comfortably dim, which is what makes them a popular choice for bedrooms and foyers in particular.

Roman Shades Available Today

Call us and ask about our custom-made Roman-style shades, and you can have yours installed at the soonest convenience. Order yours right now!


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Look to us for guaranteed satisfaction and the most helpful decorators in town. You can always count on us for the best value possible in choosing your blinds and shades.

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Jan 22, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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